Psa 34:6  This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. 

David refers to himself as he shows God’s response to those that cry unto God. Now he sees the need to praise God. Many times, we are stressed because of events that are, seemingly destroying our lives and the lives of family and loved ones. David experienced these things and always “cried” unto God.

We must understand that God desires to help us through the tough times, through the difficult times, through the distresses and turmoils of this life. We must communicate with God and call upon Him. Through out the Old Testament and New Testament, we find the saints calling upon God. God is waiting for our call and then He will respond to our need. He already knows our need. Much like our earthly father that knows our need but patiently waits for us to express that need and then responds to the call we give unto he as our earthly father.

David praises God for His response. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. He is there in the morning. He is there at noon. He is there in the evening. He is there at night. Let us praise Him at all times for the marvelous work He does for us. He brings us through the valley of the shadow of death. Praise God and Give Him all Glory.

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