Monthly Archives: January 2017



B’NAI HASSEPHER: these are Hebrew words that translate “Sons of the Book.” The need of such is underscored as the world races pell-mell to a grand finale, and as pressure increases in churches, and among pastors to be politically correct, non-offensive, and heavily involved in religious social activities. Could it be described as a dumbing down of the churches in general? Little attention beyond a spiritual salvation emphasis is given to folks from the book. Think about it!
It is lamentable that such an obvious gap exists between modern ministers and those of a generation or two gone by. The former ones were B’NAI HASSEPHER, “Sons of the Book,” much more concerned with the unity, harmony, and symmetry of the Holy Book being set forth than a psychology lesson on how to win friends and influence people to enhance a religiously social group. While it is laudable that the basic tenants of the gospel are still oft presented in most of our churches, it may also be heard in any number of others churches that would be regarded heretical otherwise. One may attend any number of worship services nowadays and leave wondering what he may have heard that he would not have heard in several denominational churches. It is comparable to one excitedly hogging all the milk possible, but never having access to meat.
In a large number of preachers (about 500) I heard a young college graduate extol in psychological terms how pastors should benefit from increased membership in their churches. After so long a time, an older minister arose and loudly asked, “Is the Bible not still our rule of faith and practice?” Upon hearing that affirmed, he went on to reply, “Well, then, isn’t all of this just a bunch of foolishness?” It was! But there are too few who understand that today, and fewer who dare to stand up strongly to it.
A number of years ago, a fellow pastor of a fairly large church confided in me that he was going to leave the ministry. Somewhat shocked, I asked why. He replied that he had preached all the sermons he could find in the book, and was tired of repeating himself. Incredible! His inability, or unwillingness to study THE BOOK and believe what he found, then prepare it for a scrumptious meal for his congregation led him to the inevitable sickness produced by formal rituals and stale tables.
In times such as these, there is a crying need for true spiritual refreshment and nourishment that can come only from hearts submitted to God, and minds studied up on His Word! Let social religion be for modernists. I appeal to all who take the name of our Lord unto themselves to labor to actually become B’NAI HASSEPHER, SONS OF THE BOOK! Let it be underscored that when it is time to cross the bar from which no traveler returns, the only thing one can take with him is what he believes. One cannot believe what he does not know. Thus, the pursuit, and sharing, of spiritual knowledge should be the prime directive of us all.

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Just a Thought

Good thought

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    1. Adamic Covenant. – Unconditional

      1. The constitution of the covenant.

        1. Made with Adam in Eden, before the expulsion.

        2. It is unconditional and consists of a curse and a promise

        3. Genesis 3:14-19 To order the life of man outside Eden

          1. Cherubim – Holiness of God.

          2. Seraphim – Uncleanness of people of God.

      2. The Contents of the covenant.

        1. The curse of Satan – Genesis 3:14.

        2. The judgment on the woman – Genesis 3:16.

          1. Multiplied conception.

          2. Maternal sorrow.

          3. Subordination to man, the headship being invested in man.

        3. The judgment on the man – Genesis 3:17

          1. The ground is cursed for his sake.

          2. He must labor for his living.

        4. The curse on creation – Genesis 3:18.

          1. Caused to bring forth thorns, thistles, etc., and all things which tend to make cultivation difficult.

          2. Genesis 3:17, Sorrow – toil.

        5. The promise – Genesis 3:15.

      3. The Conclusion of the covenant. – Runs on to the renovation of the earth by fire.

      4. The Seal –

        1. Genesis 3:21

        2. Clothing

        3. Genesis 3:23,24

        4. Driven out of the garden.

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“I’D LOVE TO, BUT. . .”

I’D LOVE TO, BUT. . .”

William Andrew Dillard
Parson to Person

In these latter times, it is amazing to learn different ways that some folk happily blame others for their poor spiritual condition, and otherwise play the perennial excuses over and over. A little story illustrates this point.
Once there was a fellow who had no use for Christians or church. He would drag out his lawnmower every Sunday morning and mow his large yard. His wife used him for her excuse. She would sit on the front porch and repeat, “Boy, if it were not for you, I could really be a great Christian.”
The church folks down the road became really burdened about this man and his wife. They began to pray for their salvation, and service in the church. They witnessed to the man in a wise manner for several months. The lady did not feel threatened in the matter because she knew her husband. But, a real friendship developed between the man and the church folks. So, one Sunday morning instead of dragging out the lawnmower, he dragged out his wife and said today we are going to church. Well, of course, his wife could not object because she had always said, “ Boy, if it were not for you, I could really be a great Christian.”
After hearing a powerful sermon, the man went down the aisle, prayed to God for his salvation, and requested baptism and church membership. What a glorious thing! Wait! Now, what would his wife do? Well, she felt compelled to follow her husband, even though she was in astonishment. So, she joined the church with him.
Now the folks in the pews could hardly wait to warmly greet the new members. The ladies hugged the dear woman and invited her to sing in the choir with them. She said, “I would love to, but. . .” Some others came up to her and invited her to enjoy the fellowship of the Ladies’ Auxiliary. She said, “I would love to, but . . .” It was then that another who knew her talents said, “Oh, you would fit in so well with the girls class! Would you be interested?” She replied, “I would love to, but. . .” And, from that moment on, that was her line, “I would love to, but . . .”
There are men, women, young people with talent that could be such a blessing to the Lord’s work right in their own neighborhood church. Too often when asked to use their talents or to fill a needful position folks will instead be jealous of their time or look with low esteem on serving in their church. They then repeat the lines of the excuse-driven lady above, “I really would love to but. . .” Could it be that one day in the presence of Jesus, confronted with their shortcomings, and desirous of reward, that they will hear Jesus say, “I would love to accommodate you, but . . .” Think about it!

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William Andrew Dillard
There are few verbal equals at arresting attention than the word “Gold.” Gold is considered the ultimate in precious metals, and highly desired for jewelry, dental work, reliable mechanical function, artwork, and a number of other uses where durability, dependability, and functionality are important, but most of all it represents wealth. When standards are referenced, it is the “gold standard” that is prized most. Some people refer to retirement years as the “golden” years. Certainly, the most desirable metal of the Olympics is the gold one, designating the, ultimate winner. But, there are other things of great value referred to as “gold.” Think about it!
The substance of the New Jerusalem, the permanent home of the saints for all eternity, is referred to as made of gold. Moreover, the faithful work of God’s people that will survive the fire at the Judgment Seat of Christ Jesus is referred to as gold, silver and precious stones. I Cor. 3:9-16. Their reward will be great!
Perhaps all of this is meant to underscores the extreme value of what is ours in the here and now to give away. It is what Solomon said in Proverbs 25:11 “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” Without doubt, this is the gold most presently and acutely needed in a world of failures, dross, and discouragement. An encouraging word, not useless flattery, is so golden. It reaches the heart, and gives heart in a time when it is needed most.
To someone drowning in discouragement; to someone looking for a way up; to someone who is worn down with health, financial, even spiritual problems, a word fitly spoken is as pure gold in a picture of silver. The most wonderful thing about this is we all have a virtual bottomless vault of such apples of gold to share, and having shared them no shortage is realized, rather, wealth is increased in the sharing.
So, what is holding you back from being helped by helping others with these apples of gold in pictures of silver? Whatever it is, it is an impoverishing agent both to self and to others. Since we cannot bankrupt our supply of “golden apples,” ought we not to give as many away as opportunity presents? So, “God bless you, my friends” you are made in the very image of Almighty God. You are so important, and the very Creator has plans for great good for you, all who trust Him, and follow Him. He has made it possible for you to do this, and to be an ambassador of His, giving away God’s great bounty to us all: words fitly spoken: apples of gold in pictures of silver.
Solomon said, “As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.”

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My commentary from Romans 12:1,2

It is very apparent that the LORD expects some changes from us. I would like to make some distinctions about certain claims about those that try to live a life that brings God honor and glory. I do believe that accusations are made that are not true at all. A common word, legalism, has been wrenched out of its setting to try and destroy those that are experiencing the transforming power of salvation and indwelling of the Holy Spirit and are in the process of renewing the mind to be more like Christ.

A quick look at Acts 15:1,2 – And certain men which came down from Judaea taught the brethren, and said, Except ye be circumcised after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.

2  When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and disputation with them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certain other of them, should go up to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.

22  Then pleased it the apostles and elders, with the whole church, to send chosen men of their own company to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas; namely, Judas surnamed Barsabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren:

23  And they wrote letters by them after this manner; The apostles and elders and brethren send greeting unto the brethren which are of the Gentiles in Antioch and Syria and Cilicia:

24  Forasmuch as we have heard, that certain which went out from us have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, saying, Ye must be circumcised, and keep the law: to whom we gave no such commandment:

Notice verse 24, . . . “and keep the law.” This is Biblical legalism. It is an attempt to bring the law into salvation. Thus making salvation of works and not faith and grace. The Bible does not speak of a person having been saved as a legalist. It speaks of Pharisees being legalist because they believed that tithing of mint and anise would get them into heaven. (Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42.) These Pharisees rejected Jesus and therefore Jesus called them hypocrites and whited sepluchres.

Ephesians 4:17-32 – tells us to not walk as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind. They do not understand and are alienated from the life of God and are suffering from blindness. For this reason they accuse the saved of being legalists. The separation from the world that is called for by God’s Word is condemned by those that want to look like the world and act like the world. They ridicule those that are renewing the spirit of their mind. Paul said to the Ephesian brethren that they were to put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. He then proceeds to give a list of ungodly things.

Romans 12:1 says we are to be living sacrifices. We are not to be conformed to this world but transformed by the renewing of the mind. We have some today that have a stinking thinking problem. They are trying to look like the world. I wonder what is up with that?

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William Andrew Dillard
Parson to Person
One must simply love the deduction of the King of Nineveh in the days of Jonah. As the prophet cried out in the street of that great city, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown,” the people believed him and brought word to the king. The king then declared a fast and a cry to God, demanding that his people turn from their wicked ways and all violence. He said, “Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from His fierce anger, that we perish not?” 3:9.
Indeed, who can tell! How many people have given up on others way too soon? I recall a man whom I shall simply call Edward. He married a faithful deacon’s daughter, was a successful farmer, and always occupied a pew on Sunday and every night during revivals. But Edward was a lost man. I personally witnessed to him in his home; preached to him in several meetings over the years. Finally, I resigned myself that Edward would never be saved. Years went by. Other preachers worked on Edward with no success. Finally, one day a friend said to me, “Have you heard about Edward?” I just knew it was an announcement of his death since he was getting on in years. My friend said, “He trusted Jesus and is saved!” I could hardly believe it. Edward was near 90 years of age when this happened. I stood silently in awe, and in thanksgiving that this man now knew the Lord and I would see him in heaven. Who can tell?!
Now, I have another friend who has been so since teenaged years. He is in his early 80s. I have witnessed to him and prayed for him until I felt it may be no use. Then, I remember Edward, and I turn to prayer again. My friend said of himself that he was a good man, and that he would take his chances. I sought to impress him that without Jesus, he did not have a chance. That it was already settled, hell would be his eternal home. As of this date, he has not received Christ Jesus as his Savior, but neither have I quit praying; for, who can tell! Do you have a friend or loved one such as this? Don’t give up praying and witnessing to him/her, for who can tell!

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TRANSFORMED BY God; Not Conformed to the World

Romans 12:1-4

  1. The Living Sacrifice.

    1. I Beseech you: – Paul appeals to our Will. God calls us to make a choice about the way that we live for Him.

    2. Therefore brethren. – Paul begins this letter with a strong doctrinal section and follows with exhortations to Christian living. Paul begs Christians to live a certain way in light of what God did for them.

      1. Paul is saying that the Christian life is dependent on the great Bible doctrines.

    3. By the mercies of God.

      1. Reminds us that we do this because of the mercy shown to us by God.

      2. We are only able to offer ourselves to God as He works His mercy in us.

      3. God commanded us to do this, and He makes it possible for us to do it.

      4. The heathen sacrifice in order to obtain mercy.

      5. Biblical faith teaches that the mercy provides the basis of sacrifice as our reasonable response.

      6. Think of the mercies of God Paul has explained to us so far:

        1. Justification

        2. Adoption in Jesus and identification with Christ.

        3. Under grace not law.

        4. The gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit.

        5. Help in all affliction.

        6. The certainty of coming glory.

        7. The confidence of no separation from the love of God.

        8. Total confidence in God’s continued faithfulness.

    4. Present your bodies

      1. Spiritually speaking, our bodies are brought to God’s altar.

      2. Present your bodies means God wants you not just your work.

      3. The WILL is to control the body, not the body control the will.

    5. A living sacrifice.

      1. The sacrifice is living because it is brought alive to the altar.

      2. The sacrifice is living because it stays alive at the altar; it is ongoing.

    6. Holy, and acceptable to God

      1. Holy, acceptable to God, not what we think is acceptable to us.

      2. Leviticus I:9; An offering made by fire a sweet aroma to the LORD.

      3. Whole burnt offering – completely yielded to God.

      4. Holiness; we are make Holy in Jesus Christ and should be determined by our will to live a Holy life.

    7. Reasonable Service

      1. Under the New Covenant, we have far greater mercies, so it is reasonable to offer a far greater sacrifice than just an animal.

  2. Being transformed we are not to conform

    1. The popular culture and manner of thinking is rebellion against God.

      1. We are not to be conformed to it.

      2. It is an ungodly pattern.

      3. This process must be resisted.

      4. Let us be very clear on this.

        1. Provocative dress is conforming to the world. – I Timothy 2:9

        2. Tattoos are conforming to the world – Leviticus 19:28

        3. Multiple face piercings and gaping holes in ear lobes and cheeks is conforming to this world.

        4. Cursing is conforming to this world. – James 5:12

        5. Partaking of alcoholic beverage is conforming to this world. – Proverbs 23:29-35

    2. Be Transformed.

      1. By renewing of your mind.

      2. To many Christians live based on feeling so are only concerned about doing.

      3. The life based on feeling is ruled by emotion and ignores the renewing of the mind.

      4. The life based on doing is not interested in Theology but is looking for some one to give them the four points for this or that and never know the transforming power of God and therefore ignores the renewing of the mind.

      5. God wants us to be passionate and doers yet our feelings are insufficient foundations for the Christian life.

      6. The first questions cannot be “How do I feel?” or “What do I do?” Rather, it must be “What is true here? What does God’s Word say?”

    3. Transformed

      1. From the Greek – metamorphoo – describing a metamorphosis.

      2. The same word used to describe the transfiguration of Jesus. – Mark 9:2-3

      3. This word, transformed is used in – II Corinthians 3:18.

      4. This transformation and renewing of our minds takes place as we behold the face of God, spending time in His glory, His Word and in Pray to Him.

    4. Prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

      1. As we are transformed on the inside, the proof and evidence is reflected outwardly, so that others can see it.

      2. Some call this legalism which is evidence that they have not experience that renewing of the mind and are in rebellion to God.

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