Monthly Archives: December 2015


    A brief story of America and what what we were

This 1967 true story is of an experience by a young 12-year-old lad in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It is about the vivid memory of a privately rebuilt P-51 from WWII.

In the morning sun, I could not believe my eyes.  There, in our little airport, sat a majestic P-51.  They said it had flown in during the night from some U.S. Airport, on its way to an air show.
The pilot had been tired, so he just happened to choose Kingston for his stop over.   It was to take to the air very soon.   I marveled at the size of the plane, dwarfing the Pipers and Canucks tied down by her.   It was much larger than in the movies. She glistened in the sun like a bulwark of security from days gone by.

The pilot arrived by cab, paid the driver, and then stepped into the pilot’s lounge.  He was an older man; his wavy hair was gray and tossed.  It looked like it might have been combed, say, around the turn of the century.

His flight jacket was checked, creased and worn – it smelled old and genuine.  Old Glory was prominently sewn to its shoulders.   He projected a quiet air of proficiency and pride devoid of arrogance.  He filed a quick flight plan to Montreal (“Expo-67 Air Show”) then walked across the tarmac.

After taking several minutes to perform his walk-around check, the tall, lanky man returned to the flight lounge to ask if  anyone would be available to stand by with fire extinguishers while he “flashed the old bird up, just to be safe.”

Though only 12 at the time I was allowed to stand by with an extinguisher after brief instruction on its use — “If you see a fire, point, then pull this lever!”, he said.  (I later became a firefighter, but that’s another story.)  The air around the exhaust manifolds shimmered like a mirror  from fuel fumes as the huge prop started to rotate.   One manifold, then another, and yet another barked — I stepped back with the others.   In moments the Packard-built Merlin engine came to life with a thunderous roar.  Blue flames knifed from her manifolds with an arrogant snarl.   I looked at the others’ faces; there was no concern.   I lowered the bell of my extinguisher.   One of the guys signaled to walk back to the lounge.  We did.

Several minutes later we could hear the pilot doing his pre-flight run-up. He’d taxied to the end of runway 19, out of sight.  All went quiet for several seconds.  We ran to the second story deck to see if we could catch a glimpse of the P-51 as she started down the runway.  We could not.  There we stood, eyes fixed to a spot half way down 19.  Then a roar ripped across the field, much louder than before.  Like a furious hell spawn set loose — something mighty this way was coming.  “Listen to that thing!”  said the controller.

In seconds the Mustang burst into our line of sight.  It’s tail was already off the runway and it was moving faster than anything I’d ever seen by that point on 19.  Two-thirds the way down 19 the Mustang was airborne with her gear going up.  The prop tips were supersonic.   We clasped our ears as the Mustang climbed hellishly fast into the circuit to be eaten up by the dog-day haze.  We stood for a few moments, in stunned silence, trying to digest what we’d just seen.

The radio controller rushed by me to the radio.  “Kingston tower calling Mustang?”  He looked back to us as he waited for an acknowledgment.  The radio crackled, “Go ahead, Kingston.”  “Roger, Mustang.  Kingston tower would like to advise the circuit is clear for a low level pass.”   I stood in shock because the controller had just, more or less, asked the pilot to return for an impromptu air show!  The controller looked at us.  “Well, What?”  He asked. “I can’t let that guy go without asking.  I couldn’t forgive myself!”

The radio crackled once again, “Kingston, do I have permission for a low level pass, east to west, across the field?”  “Roger, Mustang, the circuit is clear for an east to west pass.”  “Roger, Kingston, I’m coming out of 3,000 feet, stand by.”

We rushed back onto the second-story deck, eyes fixed toward the eastern haze.  The sound was subtle at first, a high-pitched whine, a muffled screech, a distant scream.  Moments later the P-51 burst through the haze. Her airframe straining against positive G’s and gravity. Her wing tips spilling contrails of condensed air, prop-tips again supersonic.  The burnished bird blasted across the eastern margin of the field shredding and tearing the air. At about 500 mph and 150 yards from where we stood she passed with the old American pilot saluting.  Imagine.  A salute!  I felt like laughing; I felt like crying; she glistened; she screamed; the building shook; my heart pounded.  Then the old pilot pulled her up and rolled, and rolled, and rolled out of sight into the broken clouds and indelible into my memory.

I’ve never wanted to be an American more than on that day!  It was a time when many nations in the world looked to America as their big brother.  A steady and even-handed beacon of security who navigated difficult political water with grace and style; not unlike the old American pilot who’d just flown into my memory.  He was proud, not arrogant, humble, not a braggart, old and honest, projecting an aura of America at its best.

That America will return one day!  I know it will!   Until that time, I’ll just send off this story.  Call it a loving reciprocal salute to a Country, and especially to that old American pilot:  the late JIMMY STEWART (1908-1997),
Actor, real WWII Hero (Commander of a US Army Air Force Bomber Wing stationed in England), and a USAF Reserves Brigadier General, who wove a wonderfully fantastic memory for a young Canadian boy that’s lasted a lifetime.

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Bert’s Thanksgiving


Morning Story and Dilbert

Morning Story and Dilbert Vintage Dilbert
April 19, 2008

This is a two cup story with a great ending – maybe a Kleenex for happy tiers….

……enjoy and I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!    Kenny  T
Cup One
At noon on a dreary November day, a lonesome little fellow stood at the door of a cheap restaurant in Boston, and offered a solitary copy of a morning paper for sale to the people passing.But there were really not many people passing, for it was Thanksgiving Day, and the shops were closed, and everybody who had a home to go to, and a dinner to eat, seemed to have gone home.

An old man, with a face that looked pinched, and who was dressed in a seedy black coat, stopped at the same doorway, and, with one hand on the latch, he appeared to hesitate between hunger and a sense of poverty, before…

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Scientists Prove Creationists Right–Again!

Scientists Prove Creationists Right–Again!

Well, we creationists have been vindicated–again by evolutionary scientists. This week in Australia’s Herald Sun scientists reported on “new” evidence regarding the human appendix: “Its removal is one of the most common surgical procedures in Australia, with more than 70,000 operations each year. However, we may wish to rethink whether the appendix is so irrelevant for our health.”

The article continued to relate that the appendix harbors “good” bacteria and when the intestines are emptied during a bout of diarrhea, the appendix “reseeds” the intestines with “good” bacteria and restores the body back to good digestive health.

Creationists have known the benefit of the appendix and tonsils for decades! I wrote in the 1994 edition ofEvolution: Fact, Fraud, or Faith? (new, expanded edition to be published this month by Barbwire Books) the following:

“Another major error made by evolutionists is that of allegedly useless organs in man that are supposed to be withered memorials of man’s past evolution. As late as the 1960s, evolutionary textbooks listed over 200 ‘useless’ organs, but later information has proved that almost all ‘vestigial organs’ have some function during our lifetime. The tonsils, appendix, and thymus gland are known to protect us against infections, especially during our younger years, but until recent years, they were thought to be unnecessary.”

So there! That qualifies as an “I told you so” event.

Atheist David Mills asserted that the human appendix is harmful to our well-being! However, he is wrong because scientists have finally discovered that the appendix serves an important function in the human immune system. If evolutionists had declared these organs as having an “unknown purpose” rather than being unnecessary (there is a difference, you know) I would have agreed; however, now we know that those organs are necessary for proper functioning of the immune system, etc.

Because of their ignorance, for a hundred years doctors took out those “unnecessary” healthy organs to the detriment of their patients. If those scientists had not been controlled by an atheistic worldview, they could have done an enormous amount of research, but since they did not believe God designed those organs with a purpose in mind, the “experts” perpetrated crimes upon children and adults and furthered their crimes by not researching those organs for a hundred years.

Irreparable harm has resulted from this teaching as hundreds of thousands of tonsils, adenoids, appendixes, etc., were removed from children and adults in the past hundred years. How much research has not been done on various “useless” organs because scientists taught other scientists that many organs and glands were useless? We should pity the distraught evolutionists who had all their “vestigial” organs removed only to discover, post-surgery, that they were all important! Not essential but important. I have been told that some of the more desperate, dogmatic, and depressed evolutionists/atheists had their brains removed, but that hasn’t been confirmed!

One’s worldview changes everything. If a person is convinced that he evolved from the animals, then it is understandable when he acts like an animal. If he thinks life is accidental, then he will face each day without purpose to life. It surprises no one that he will live a hedonistic, selfish life. Since he assumes that he and others are not made in the image of God, he has no obligation to treat others in a kind, gracious, and friendly manner.

Evolution is supposed to be an advance from the simple to the complex; however the vestigial organ argument militates against that position! After all, if many human organs were needed and worked well in the past but are now useless and unnecessary, that is not evolution! Evolution would be the appearance of new organs not the degeneration of old ones.

Only four or five organs are now believed, by some evolutionists, to be unnecessary and those are questionable. And of course, just because an organ may not be necessary does not mean that it is useless. A thumb is not really essential, but it is surely handy when you have to grasp or pick up an object.

Zoologist S. R. Scadding asserted: “The ‘vestigial organ’ argument uses as a premise the assertion that the organ in question has no function. There is no way, however, in which this negative assertion can be arrived at scientifically….I conclude that ‘vestigial organs’ provide no special evidence for the theory of evolution.” That means none, zero, zilch, and nil evidence for evolution based on vestigial organs.

Those human organs may not be necessary for life, but non-thinking evolutionists are unnecessary and should be unemployed.

If evolutionists had followed their much touted scientific method, they would not have made fools of themselves so many times. An honest scientist will keep an open mind so that he will not “jump to conclusions” (often wrong conclusions) until he has made many observations with the same results. He must be very careful to base any conclusion on what he has actually seen, rather than what he wanted to see. And he must always be willing to change his mind. To the credit of most evolutionists, they have done that regarding the recapitulation theory and vestigial organs; however, there are some poorly trained scientists (or scientific fanatics) hanging to those silly, discredited theories like an insecure kid clutches a security blanket. It has been over 65 years since the Recapitulation theory was shown to be a fraud but still being taught; so, how long will it take for doctors to stop removing healthy “vestigial” organs?

No, there are no vestigial organs. God provided man with an incredible body that has the astounding ability to not only reproduce itself, but also to repair itself! But before the body can repair itself, it must review the injury (or illness), report on the problem, then resolve the problem before repair begins. What machine can doanything similar to that? Only fools would suggest that no design was involved!

While I don’t believe in vestigial organs, maybe, just maybe, the atheists/evolutionists have encased inside their skulls a vestigial organ that is shrunken and stunted from disuse for decades.

(Boys’ new book, The God Haters was published by Barbwire Books; to get your copy of The God Haters click here . An eBook edition is also available.)

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Young Soldier on Christmas Eve

Morning Story and Dilbert

Morning Story and Dilbert Vintage Dilbert
December 18, 1998

Kleenex Alert

On Christmas Eve a young soldier feeling trapped in London during the 2nd World War was very lonely and sad to be away from his family and home.

As the war still raged on in London this was a very dangerous time and place with Churches and most other social and public places either closed or destroyed. And so in spite of this, the young soldier organized amongst a few of his mates to go out on Christmas Eve and to make Christmas of whatever they found. Shortly after leaving their military compound they came across an old grey building with an affixed sign, which said, “Queen Anne’s Orphanage”.

This was perfect they all thought. The young men’s hearts pounded quickly and they gathered themselves and knocked on the door. The door slowly opened as a kind elderly woman cautiously emerged from behind…

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My wife received a wonderful poem this morning. Four women spent time together and God came up in conversation. This young woman put it very well in a poem.



When you surround yourself with wisdom

And those who love the Lord

You’re humbled in His presence

As they share His precious Word.


Your mind and heart are opened

Your spirit is renewed

You find solace and direction

Of impressive magnitude


There is laughter, there is praise,

There is learning and desire

You see grace, you see love

As you watch it all transpire


I was honored to be in your presence

To reap what God has sown

To share in His love of friendships

Knowing we’re not alone


Thank you for your wisdom,

Your sharing of God’s love

For teaching me wonderful things

To share and be proud of


You women are amazing

I want to be just like you

For God needs all of us

To see His message through


Thank you for being you!

Rochelle massengale



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